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Our Mission


Young Learners is a special place where children, parents and kaiako come together to live, to learn, to love and to leave a legacy, as a whānau. As a team of kaiako, our goal is to serve by teaching, learning and influencing, and ensuring that each individual is treated with respect and dignity, every day. We see our role as facilitators of young learners’ growth and development, and as providers of quality service to parents and the community.

We believe physical environment is crucial for young learners to grow and truly flourish. At Young Learners, our first priority, every day, is to ensure a healthy, safe and nurturing learning environment in which our children and kaiako can meet their primal needs for learning and teaching. We also strive to provide well-balanced nutrition for our tamariki to help their physical growth, as well as their mental development.

We see the importance of creating a positive social culture environment in which everyone knows they are trusted, respected and loved as a part of the team. We acknowledge Te Tiriti o Waitangi and encourage an awareness and appreciation of New Zealand’s bi-cultural heritage in our daily operations, as well as celebrating and respecting the essence of all other cultures of our children, kaiako and wider community.

We are committed to providing a curriculum, guided by Te Whāriki: of having Empowerment, Holistic Development, Family and Community and Relationships as our teaching and learning principles. Each child comes to us with unique and diverse capabilities and learning potentials, we are committed to providing an inclusive curriculum wherein all children have equitable opportunities to learn: 1. How to explore and understand themselves and the world around them; 2. How to foster their creative imagination; 3. How to nurture their characters, values and conscience; and 4. How to live independently and interdependently, which will set them up for life.

For each room at Young Learners, we have age appropriate focus in accordance to their physical, mental, social and spiritual learning and developmental needs. We also strive to provide our kaiako with opportunities to “sharpen the saw” to make sure they maintain relevant and develop new skills to provide excellent service to our community.

We see our centre as a home away from home for everyone involved so we value the importance of having a trusting, caring, supportive, respectful, responsive and reciprocal professional relationship with each other.

We accept the fact that self-mastery and self-discipline are the foundation of deep, rich and meaningful association with others so at young learners, we emphasis on social emotional and

interpersonal skills to help everyone become proactive, competent and confident learners and communicators.

Together with our curriculum guided by Te Whāriki: we aim to emphasis on the spirit of service. We are here to serve each other to improve the quality of life and well-being of children and their whānau, and everyone associated with them at Young Learners.

Each of us at Young Learners contributes to serve by caring, nurturing and influencing children, whānau, kaiako and everyone else associated with our centre, to be healthy in mind, body and spirit. We encourage everyone to improve their sense of belonging and wellbeing, to feed their curiosity and interest, to have courage to express their thoughts and feelings, and acknowledge that they make a valued contribution to themselves, their team, their environment, community and society as a whole while sharing the journey with us at Young Learners.

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